Sunday, October 12, 2014

4th Grade Music

4th Grade

We have been learning notes on the staff and getting ready to put on our play, "The Reindeer Whisperer".  We are holding try-outs now and soon will have the names of the players.  We are great singers and show enthusiasm in learning the songs.   We have also been learning about music symbols: D.S. al Coda, Da Capo al Fine, repeat signs, note and rest values. 

For the Christmas Program, we'll be elves, so we need to find what we will be wearing.  Suggestions will be given as a handout and placed in my Monday Folder.  If you have questions, Mrs. McDonald's e-mail is:
If we are not one of the characters in the play, then we need to be dressed as an elf.  Cute Christmas dress or t-shirts will be great.  Elf hats or scarves will look awesome, but a stocking cap or Christmas cap will also do.  The main thing is that we just come and participate.

4th Graders will need to have their own personal recorder by January 12, 2015.   They will need a recorder for all of the 3rd quarter and though out 5th grade.  A flyer will come in the Monday Folder on November 17th.  Please save $6.00 to purchase one. 

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